My Projects


Pocket Money Tracker

  • Pocket Money Tracker is a web application designed for easy and comprehensive financial management.
  • Using HTML and CSS for a user-friendly interface that looks great on any device.
  • Pocket Money Tracker is a financial transaction tracking tool that uses React.js for seamless tracking and MongoDB for secure stocd rage and quick data retrieval

Currency Converter

  • Crafted a robust currency converter tool leveraging HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, facilitating effortless currency conversions for users.
  • Designed an intuitive user interface for enhanced usability and streamlined conversion experience.
  • Integrated real-time currency exchange rate updates to provide accurate financial information for users.

Task Manager

  • Created task manager with React and Tailwind CSS for efficient task organization.
  • Developed a dynamic todo list with features such as task addition, deletion, and updates using React’s component architecture.
  • Enhanced user interface and responsiveness using Tailwind CSS, ensuring seamless task management across devices.